Acronyms Commonly Used by Master Gardeners
DTE- Down to Earth -MSU Monthly Newsletter
EMG- Extension Master Gardener - Individual who has competed 40 hours volunteer hours
EMGVIT - Extension Master Gardener Volunteer in Training
EMGSGV - Extension Master Gardener Smart Gardener Volunteer -completed Smart Gardening training
MG -Master Gardener
MGAGCM -Master Gardener Association Genesee County Michigan - name of local Genesee County chapter
MMGA- Michigan Master Gardener -Parent organization to MGAGCM
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure -MGAGCM documents on chapter procedures
VMS- Volunteer Management System -Volunteers log in hours at this site. Site also provides other information. This is changing to Volunteer Central.
EMG- Extension Master Gardener - Individual who has competed 40 hours volunteer hours
EMGVIT - Extension Master Gardener Volunteer in Training
EMGSGV - Extension Master Gardener Smart Gardener Volunteer -completed Smart Gardening training
MG -Master Gardener
MGAGCM -Master Gardener Association Genesee County Michigan - name of local Genesee County chapter
MMGA- Michigan Master Gardener -Parent organization to MGAGCM
SOP - Standard Operating Procedure -MGAGCM documents on chapter procedures
VMS- Volunteer Management System -Volunteers log in hours at this site. Site also provides other information. This is changing to Volunteer Central.